We have taken care of everything
We want your vacation in Roseto degli Abruzzi to be worry-free. That's why, in our hotel, we have services for every need.
From the moment you arrive, enjoy every second of your stay. We have a parking lot, available for a small fee, where you can leave your car and relax completely. In our garden, you can sit in the shade and enjoy the sea breeze. Find the best of Abruzzo cuisine in our restaurant, with a large dining room overlooking the sea. Fancy a cocktail or a cool drink? At our American bar you can order whatever you like. We are waiting for you to have a toast!
From the moment you arrive, enjoy every second of your stay. We have a parking lot, available for a small fee, where you can leave your car and relax completely. In our garden, you can sit in the shade and enjoy the sea breeze. Find the best of Abruzzo cuisine in our restaurant, with a large dining room overlooking the sea. Fancy a cocktail or a cool drink? At our American bar you can order whatever you like. We are waiting for you to have a toast!
Our services:
Accessibility for people with disabilities
Pets allowed
Wi-Fi connection
Baby food preparation for mothers
Shuttle service operating from May 1 to September 30 (up to 8 seats)
Half-day excursion on request (max people) to discover the hinterland.
Discover Roseto and the surrounding area
Discover Roseto and the surrounding area
In the hotel you will also find
Games for children
Parking and garage (for a fee)
Enjoy every moment of your vacation